Existential kvetches from your typical non-denominational, non-threatening, quasi-vegetarian, politically conscious, orthodox Jewish single gal. Kaenahora! MirtzaShem by you.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Why the hiatus?  Because this blog was associated with an aol account I haven't used in almost a decade.  There are indicators of adulthood, and then there are indicators of age, and sleuthing around your old internet stomping grounds:  Security question:  'What was the name of your favorite restaurant?'  Leads me back eight years, to when I lived at home with my parents as I struggled existentially to be both respectful of my upbringing, while learning just exactly what my values would be for my future, independent life.

jerusalem pizza?  Was that it?  no... incorrect answer.

Jerusalem Pizza?  ...not that either.

Sara's Deli?  They had this amazing pastrami sandwich, that to this day, I have yet to experience anything quite like it (and yes, this includes Katz's and 2nd Avenue).   Hmmmm.  What was the name of that sit-down restaurant (that's how Midwesterner's casually refer to fancy restaurants).  They had amazing food! You could get onion rings and Alfredo!  What the fuck was it called? 

Oh YEAH!  Milk and Honey!

Milk and Honey.  ....incorrect answer.



milk and honey.

Milk&Honey. BINGO!

And I am in, looking at an aol inbox.  My aim is Kazooey770 (back when the word 'kazooey' a made up word my then 2 year old brother used to say and 770, well, that number is extremely significant.  Those were gang numbers. If your screen name had '613' you were an uber-Jew, and if it said '770' you were a card carrying member of Chabad-Lubavitch.

My old inbox has 10,697 messages in it.  I click back to the oldest message and it's waves upon waves of spam.  I click on 'trash' it's empty...all of those embarrassing emails that lost me friends in high school.  I click 'spam' and it's, well, spam, nigerian phone scams, various enhancement promises from shady vitamin companies. 

The sent inbox is more promising:

Re: skittles

Date:Thu, Nov 29, 2007 10:35 am

-----Original Message-----
From: Jennifer
To: Tsivia; Elizabeth
Sent: Wed, 28 Nov 2007 9:38 pm
Subject: skittles

This is so sad
The following British kashrus alert is from the LBD on November 23, 2007.
British Skittles previously approved and pareve by the London Beth Din are now NOT KOSHER.
Ed. note: Skittles are not certified as kosher in the United States.
And another one:
Hi Tsivia,
See below. Tanya's email address is X. 
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lea
Date: Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 6:02 PM
Subject: Re: Job?
To: Tanya

That sounds great. Thanks so much, Tanya!

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 5:43 PM, Tanya wrote:
We are so not hiring anyone right now due to the economy. But, have her send me her resume and I'll give it to Evan, just in case. How's that?
So, no.  I do not have any record of the existential turmoil I endured as a youth.  Only the vestiges I still carry around with me, as a fully grown, independent (some might read, stagnated) adult. 
So I am back. I have the old passwords, the old accounts, and most importantly, access to this blog (which is a passe endevour in it's own right...I mean, who has a blog when you can have a meme or a tumbler or twitter account?)  Still, I love the prose, and I love reading my old entries--as limited as they are--they are old friends, and in some ways, nothing has changed at all.