Musings on Anti Semitism
Recently, a number of unrelated snarky events have linked themselves into a chain of thought relating to Aunti Semitism. I didn't know we were related, but I guess we are.
Thing One:
Attending the Holocaust Memorial Annual dinner. I went with a few friends because someone sponsored at table for Hillel studnets. It was unfortunatly, stuffy, and boring. Hardly meaningful. If there hadn't been an open bar, we never would have made it to the keynote address. The problem with having a big stuffy dinner commemorating the holocausts, is that you are having a big, stuffy dinner rememboring the holocaust. If that doesn't make your skin crawl, I'm not sure what will. Maybe incident 2:
Incident Two:
I joined students for Israel because on campus there has been an unfortunate string of anti-israel demonstrations, chalkings, and pamphleting calling for the distruction of Israel, that my university should stop supporting Israeli interests, that Jews are anti-semetic and White Supremecists, just aweful, hateful lies. Its been very uncomfortable--unsettling to walk to your classes every day and have to step over some cheerful sidewalk chalking calling for the destruction of the state of Israel. I am not an ardent Zionist, but I know when I am experiencing hate: It;s a sick horrible feeling in the pit of your stomach. The student group that I am a part of hands out fact sheets, designs showcases and attends counterrallies, and we are also bringing out a speaker. Its all a lot of work, but it is paying off. We have had positive press. We are PC and positive and don't do counterattacks because we see our position as that of educators, and promotion of tolerance (at least on campus). The hate ebbs and flows: two weeks ago: nothing. Last week two guys dressed as Israeli soldiers and carrying cardboard machine guns staged a 'checkpoint at the security fence.' Studnets going into the Undergraduate Library were roughed up and harrassed to show how terrible it is to be a Palistinian trying to get into Israel. I don't think they faced any suicide bombers trying to blow them up, although, there may have been, it just didn't seem that way.
Incident 3:
Went to see Borak last night with friends. Even after a few beers, somethings remained unfunny. Anyway, dumb offensive movie that made me laugh. Also made me feel like vomiting becuase its a bit, well, aweful. But at least its supposed to be all in good fun. And then, becuase it's Ali G. It just isn't. Today I watched every Ali G I hadnt seen yet, on acts anti semetic (he is of course a Jew) but the response he gets from true anti semites who truly believe he is a kindred spirit, are acctually very unsettling. After watching afew episondes of southerners laughing about Jews being drowned in the well, you start to think that its all hopeless. What they tought you in Hebrew school is true. They do hate you.
Wierd ending:
I was in Steve and Barry's today and saw a tee shirt on the rack that had fake Hebrew Lettering that read "Everybody Loves a Jewish Girl." I don't know why they were selling them. I asked the Muslim clerk at the counter if they were a popular item, and she said no. I said, "small market, ay?" I decided to buy it for 7 bucks. As I was paying she quieries, "Your Jewish, Right?"
"No ma'am. I'm Japanese."
pretty depressing stuff.. had similar experiences on campus, it really is unsettling...
re:borat, i'd rather laugh with him than focus on them laughing at us.. its a sad realization
7:43 AM
Although in the movie Borat it's exposing the blatant anti-semitism rampant in the US, I'm not sure how many people are picking up on that. Nothing proactive has been suggested in response by any Jewish group (that I've heard as of yet), we are encouraged instead to laugh at it.
2:29 PM
The chorus of a song: "Throw the Jew Down the Well"
There are more clips of other stuff on and youtube.
Here's an article I thought you might like to read:
12:07 AM
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