Existential kvetches from your typical non-denominational, non-threatening, quasi-vegetarian, politically conscious, orthodox Jewish single gal. Kaenahora! MirtzaShem by you.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Yay! I knew it would happen eventually, but I never could have predicted the WONDERFUL timing! The RIGHT wing of the political seesaw is now gouging itselfinto the ground with the PERFECT sex scandal. I always always knew that that would be t he way to do these high and mighty do gooders in. Take that, suckas!! Because no one is that perfect, dude, I dont care how evangelical-bible thumping=rightious-gun toting you are, heck, I don't care that you are a flag waving patriotic lean mean political machine. At the end of the day, ya still have the slobs, criminals, perverse nutjobs like the rest of humanity. And while the Grand Ol' Party is known for its old boy, back slapping, pork barrelling, mudslinging scheming, we now have a step down the old step ladder, ego deflating SCANDAL which does a very nice job of shedding light on reality. Cuz face it, my dear Repubs, life aint no utopia-and if it seems to good to be true, than it probably is. And that goes for Iraq as well.


Blogger Jo said...

I guess I should be glad I sent a message from the Democratic party then... I'm so sick of the propaganda though.

1:20 AM


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