Existential kvetches from your typical non-denominational, non-threatening, quasi-vegetarian, politically conscious, orthodox Jewish single gal. Kaenahora! MirtzaShem by you.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Biennial Dating Report

..."In other news, yours truly attended a wedding last night. As usual it was a lovely affair. I saw a number of people I like but fail to keep in touch with. I danced. I told the bride she looked pretty, because she did. I did not tell the bridesmades (her sisters) that they looked pretty, because they didn't. I chatted with some of my old teachers who always look suprised to see me. I am never suprised to see them because they and I attend these weddings and we see each other at these weddings. I had a great time because I love weddings and people and food and getting dressed up and dancing.

Approximately 15 hours later I logged online and counted all the emails I have received on frumster since I signed up 6 months ago: 228.

Thats 228 people I don't want to marry. On frumster. In general, though, this number is artificially low. There are acctually a lot more than 228 people I do not want to marry. Some people I don't want to marry more than others. There is a ranking, see, or a spectrum (depending on whether you view degrees of intensity in visual or kinetic terms).
Anyway I don't even want to get married. I just want to meet someone and then worry about it. Frumster, of course, is marriage oriented, so therefore I have adopted their language. But I am starting to realise that I haven't adopted the frumster genre and I have to move on.

... moveon.org has no dating feature. I just checked. So am I stuck with frumster?

In 6 days I will go back into my cave and in 6 months I will emerge with a diploma in each fist.I will then have to ask myself what I want out of life again. I will have to answer that question. I will have to make a choice between finishing my masters in a program I tolerate, or diving of the deep end and starting over.

I will probably choose to finish grad school. In which case, I will reenter my cave for another year and a half to two years, and emerge then, to worry about it. At which point, most of my friends will in fact, be married.

So its starting to irk me. the M word. ( I know you know I am lying on this point: its not starting to irk me, its been irking me for a while, but thanks for being understanding).

I am going to find some paint brushes and start that canvas. Be Well

Sunday, August 27, 2006

I hear poetry is back in vogue

I want to take borrowed money
and buy a...
large canvas
the size of a garage door, or the side of an eighteen wheeler truck!
emagine that!
but any size will do, as long as its big,
so that I might have difficulty dragging it back,
for impact.

White, perfectly white (well, some imperfection would be inconsiquential), stretched
over a frame So that I might
dip my roller
Into a glistening pan of paint
Reds and Beige and Black and Yellows

and Create.
a landscape of an abstraction
of an impression of
condensed dew
collected on a glass pane
of a window, looking out.

I want to
place this painting above my bed,
still wet
so that the droplets of paint fall
so that at night,
like the purple crayon that Harold held,
I might
enter a space of my own

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

People who play guitar a lot better than I do

I want to learn how to play the Maple Leaf Rag on the guitar, or the piano. This guy YouTube - Maple Leaf Rag (on provided utube link) is amazing. I could watch this a million times. His technique is perfect, He is poised; plays effortlessly. He appears to be Oriental, of which nationality, I have no idea, but I hope that doesn't work against him. Being a foreigner makes it hard to become anything in this country, but he is so very talented. It appears that he is playing this in a coffee shop. That is also discouraging because, they dont pay much for performances at coffee shops. Sill I see he has what it takes to make it big. Hey, if Yo Yo Ma could do it, anyone can. Goodluck ragtime playing floppy haired Oriental guy. Good luck with the gigs.

I have a relative who taught himself Joplin through college. I covet, envy, his dedication, talent, know-how.

I am pleased that I figured out how to link the link to the blog so you could see it for yourself, and while I am at it, I just might add a few more of my favorite little treasures from the internet for your listening/viewing enjoyment. Like, for example, this fine peice of Broznan: (Which by the way, I am also, insanely jealous of: Bob Brozman - The Slide Guitar Show - Google Video - Full Screen - Google Video }

Or, what about my favorite boredom site? SoYouWanna decorate your apartment (cheaply)? (other topics included!!!) This site gives me the hope that I can do ANYTHING as long as I set my mind to it.

The Monty Python Spam Skit! Must keep coming back for more

RateMyProfessors.com Most useful school website ever!!!! Rarely ever lies!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Shlock Rockin'

Lenny Solomon has done it again. If you loved the first bajillion albums the man made, you will love this new one. I do not know why there is a place in my heart for these Jewish Parodies, this schlock rock nonsense--they are cornier than cracker jack, and more nutty too, but boy oh boy do they make me laugh. my favorite on the new album is a take off of "if you like Pina Coladas" and is about this guy who is e-dating and his profile starts off like this:

If you like techina on challah
and you know how to lain
I like to learn in chavrusa
and eat gefilta fish with chrain

Priceless. you just gotta hear it.

On another note, I think I need a vacation from my vacation, but I couldnt manage to fit it into my vacation schedule :)

I thought I would be less busy now that school is in recess, but that was a mirage. Aside from the 2 weddings, my sister coming into town, my grandparents driving in, my bro coming in from camp, my other sister going to Israel for school, registering for next semester, studying for prereq exams, registering my sis for classes, selling some old school books on ebay and getting to the postoffice and trying to file away the last three semesters so I have room in my bedroom to write more papers, a grant project through school, making dinner and helping with laundry and dishes and helping my sister with summer homework and catching that clearance sale and swimming and ohhh, I was just called for supper. so I better go, but you see when I tried to plan to go away for a few days....well, there just isn't time.

I must run. Oh, and I am sorry I didn't return your phone call, but you should just know that I have been thinking of you and plan on sending you a rosh hashana new year card full of cheer if I ever get around to it.