Biennial Dating Report
..."In other news, yours truly attended a wedding last night. As usual it was a lovely affair. I saw a number of people I like but fail to keep in touch with. I danced. I told the bride she looked pretty, because she did. I did not tell the bridesmades (her sisters) that they looked pretty, because they didn't. I chatted with some of my old teachers who always look suprised to see me. I am never suprised to see them because they and I attend these weddings and we see each other at these weddings. I had a great time because I love weddings and people and food and getting dressed up and dancing.
Approximately 15 hours later I logged online and counted all the emails I have received on frumster since I signed up 6 months ago: 228.
Thats 228 people I don't want to marry. On frumster. In general, though, this number is artificially low. There are acctually a lot more than 228 people I do not want to marry. Some people I don't want to marry more than others. There is a ranking, see, or a spectrum (depending on whether you view degrees of intensity in visual or kinetic terms).
Anyway I don't even want to get married. I just want to meet someone and then worry about it. Frumster, of course, is marriage oriented, so therefore I have adopted their language. But I am starting to realise that I haven't adopted the frumster genre and I have to move on.
... has no dating feature. I just checked. So am I stuck with frumster?
In 6 days I will go back into my cave and in 6 months I will emerge with a diploma in each fist.I will then have to ask myself what I want out of life again. I will have to answer that question. I will have to make a choice between finishing my masters in a program I tolerate, or diving of the deep end and starting over.
I will probably choose to finish grad school. In which case, I will reenter my cave for another year and a half to two years, and emerge then, to worry about it. At which point, most of my friends will in fact, be married.
So its starting to irk me. the M word. ( I know you know I am lying on this point: its not starting to irk me, its been irking me for a while, but thanks for being understanding).
I am going to find some paint brushes and start that canvas. Be Well